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What if only want to do part of the program now?

Although I strive to consider your personal preferences in developing your program, your success depends on your ability to follow the entire program plan.

Why does the functional medicine approach focus on lifestyle?

Food, movement and stress management is where the real difference in your health condition takes place. There is no magic pill, supplement or diet. 90% of health (good or bad) is lifestyle choices.

Will you bill my medical insurance?

No. And here is why. Medical insuranceā€™s primary purpose is to help with acute care medicine with a few screening services. Functional Medicine is focused on getting to the underlying reasons behind a symptom and does not wait until your symptom develops into a disease. This approach is not currently included in conventional medical insurance.

Can I make monthly payments?

I understand that Functional Medicine programs can be an investment. That is why I have developed the flexibility and affordability of the membership levels. You can customize the treatment intensity depending on your MSQ score ( how bad you feel) and your level of needed resources.

How much do the supplements cost?

Supplements are discounted for you depending on your membership level. They are from the most reputable supplement companies through my dispensary in Fullscripts. Basic supplement prescriptions range from $100-$200 per month for the length of your program.

What if I am a vegan? Can you still help me?

I work with clients who have specific diet preferences. We may add a nutritionist to your functional medicine team to help.

Can you use the blood tests from my PCP?

Yes, we can use some of the blood test results you may already have. However, specialty functional medicine lab testing using saliva, stool, and urine may also be recommended.

Can you be my primary care practitioner?

Although I am a Pennsylvania licensed Family Nurse Practitioner, I cannot act as your primary care practitioner. I will require you to have an active relationship with your PCP.

What are the official policies about appointments?

Your appointments with me are no rush and according to your membership treatment intensity level and range from 30 to 60 minutes in length. Please see the Office Policy above for more details.

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